Liz Truss is Announced as Britain’s New Prime Minister – But is She an Improvement on Boris Johnson?

After a summer of campaigning to be the next leader of the Conservative party, Liz Truss has beaten Rishi Sunak with 57% of the Conservative Party Members putting an X beside her name against 43 % choosing Rishi Sunak. The majority of the 172,000 members of the Conservative Party have put the country in her hands. With war on the edge of Europe and energy prices at an all time high pushed ever higher through rising inflation, Liz Truss has a lot to deal with as she enters No 10 Downing street.

Who is Liz Truss

You may not have even heard of Liz Truss which is concerning for the future of Britain. She replaces a well known colourful character in Boris Johnson who was able to reach across the political divide and connect with all shades of voters. Boris’ time as Mayor of London for two terms is proof of his huge appeal as London is becoming more and more red (Labour) and less and less blue (Conservative). But of course Boris was forced out because of Partygate; when his office and staff were having parties while the rest of us were locked at home. 

In 2006 Truss was elected as a local Councillor for Greenwich in East London. In 2009 the then leader of the Conservative Party, David Cameron, added Truss to an A list of candidates for Westminster elections and at the 2010 general Election she was voted in as a MP for South West Norfolk constituency. She quickly climbed the ranks of government with her first ministerial position two years later in the Department of Education. In 2016 the then Prime Minster, Theressa May, appointed her as Secretary of State for Justice. After Boris Johnson became Prime Minister she was promoted to International Trade Secretary in 2019 until 2021 when she reached the dizzy heights of the role of Foreign Secretary, one of the great offices of state.

But none of this answers the question “Who is Liz Truss”. She has styled herself in the low tax, small government mould of Margaret Thatcher. But she is somewhat of a vanilla politician and maybe this marks the end of any big beast in British Politics. 

She voted to remain in the EU. She has spoken out against identity politics but is nowhere near as vocal as another candidate for the leadership, Kemi Badenoch. Her views on the rise of Stonewall and militant LGBT activism is less well known. As a free trade champion and economic liberitarian she wants to cut taxes and grow the economy. She wants Britain to be energy independent and her moves to increase drilling licences for oil will infuriate the green lobby. 

But the big question is does she have what it takes to lead Britain into a brighter future. India have just overtaken Britain economically and pushed us into 6th place globally. It will need a completely new approach to propel Britain forward and to kickstart our faltering economy that is well under 1% growth. The other big question is will she have the support of the Conservative Party MP’s in Westminster to back her vision for the UK. 

On Tuesday she will go to Balmoral in Scotland to be sworn in as the new Prime Minister by the Queen and on Wednesday she will have her first Prime Ministers Question time in Parliament. There are many questions over any new leader and Liz Truss will have to work exceptionally hard to prove her suitability to lead the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 



Peter Mcilvenna is the co-founder of Hearts of Oak, a UK based freedom of speech alliance. Guest interviews each Mon and Thursday and News Reviews each Saturday. Peter has also worked for Lord Pearson of Rannoch in the House of Lords for the last ten years. In 2019 he served as UKIP’s national Campaign Manager during the local and European Election. He is married with two children and has a strong Christian faith.

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