US Senate Candidate Blake Masters Tears Into Sen. Mark Kelly Like A Pro In Opening Statement At Yesterday’s Debate: “I’m Running To Be Your Next Senator Because Mark Kelly Has Messed Everything Up”

Trump-Endorsed Arizona Senate Nominee Blake Masters put Liberal Democratic incumbent Mark Kelly on blast in his opening statement at yesterday’s Arizona Clean Elections Commission debate.

Masters began the debate by accurately laying blame on Kelly for the rampant inflation in Arizona and across the united states and the catastrophe at our Southern Border.

Mark Kelly has voted with Joe Biden and the Democrats nearly 100% of his time in office, including a vote for the massive $740 billion Bidenflation bill, despite already record inflation. This bill allocated $369 million for ‘green energy’ and hired 87,000 armed and fit IRS agents “willing to use deadly force” against law-abiding Americans.

Arizona now has the highest inflation in the nation.

ABC Arizona reported,

 According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale have the highest inflation rate, at 13%, in the country.

With his votes for 87,000 IRS agents to enforce taxes and target Americans, Kelly has voted against hiring agents to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration laws.

Kelly has repeatedly voted against border security, including voting against an amendment that would stop Biden from canceling existing border wall contracts numerous times and voting to end Title 42 — a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border in order to protect public health.

“Two years ago, Mark Kelly stood right there, and he promised to be independent,” Masters said to start off the debate.

This is true. Two years ago, when debating Martha McSally, Mark Kelly promised to “do what is in the best interest of Arizona and Arizonans and in the best interest of our country, and not the Republican Party or the Democrat Party.”

He did the opposite, and Arizonans are paying for it with gas prices more than double what they were at that time, unaffordable groceries, and a wide-open southern border.

Biased PBS Moderator Ted Simons even admitted that “inflation is at generational highs” under Mark Kelly and Joe Biden.

During Kelly’s opening remarks, he claimed that he “worked with Republicans to bring manufacturing back and to cut costs” (a complete lie) and attacked Blake Masters on his abortion stances, just as The Gateway Pundit predicted.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Democrats like Mark Kelly have made abortion rituals a focal point of their campaigns. This is the only issue they can run on because their policies have failed all Americans.

The Arizona Democratic Party has sent demonic mail fliers to voters, with images of an Ouija Board, to attack Blake Masters on his abortion stance and attempt to distance themselves from the fact that killing babies is a demonic sacrifice.

Arizona Democrats Send Demonic Literature Complete with Ouija Board Attacking Blake Masters’ Stance On Abortion

According to the Satanic Temple, abortion IS their “religious ritual.” They recently sued the state of Indiana over the state’s abortion laws, claiming that restricting abortion violates their “religious rights.”

Blake Masters later destroyed Kelly and Biden’s “drunken sailor” spending and destructive border policies.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the entire debate between Blake Masters, Mark Kelly, and Marc Victor last night.

WATCH LIVE: 6 PM MST – Arizona’s US Senate Debate Between Trump-Endorsed Blake Masters And Biden Backing Mark Kelly

Masters simply told the voters that “Mark Kelly has messed everything up” and “it wasn’t like this two years ago,” and he was right. So much has changed for the worst in the last two years, and you can blame the Democrats’ disastrous policies.

Watch Blake’s opening statement below.

Masters: Hi, I’m Blake Masters. I’m running to be your next Senator because our current Senator, Mark Kelly, has messed everything up. Our border is in chaos. We’ve got drugs and illegal aliens just pouring in. Crime is up. The cost of groceries, actually the cost of everything you need to live, keeps going up and up.

It wasn’t like this two years ago. What changed? Well, Joe Biden took over, and in Washington, Mark Kelly backs Joe Biden every single time, without thinking twice, without thinking of Arizona. And you know, it’s not what he said he’d do. Two years ago, Mark Kelly stood right there, and he promised to be independent. But he broke that promise. My wife, Catherine, and I grew up right here in Arizona. We’re raising our three little boys here now. And we’re sick of seeing Arizona families suffer just because Mark Kelly wants to fit in in DC. Send me to the US Senate, and I will put Arizona families first. Thank you.

The post US Senate Candidate Blake Masters Tears Into Sen. Mark Kelly Like A Pro In Opening Statement At Yesterday’s Debate: “I’m Running To Be Your Next Senator Because Mark Kelly Has Messed Everything Up” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.