NVIDIA’s Next-Gen “AI PC” SOC May Incorporate Arm Cortex X5 Blackhawk CPU, Blackwell RTX GPU & LPDDR6 Memory On A Singular Package

NVIDIA’s next-gen “AI PC” SOC is rumored to incorporate Arm-based Blackhawk CPUs, Blackwell RTX GPUs & LPDDR6 memory. NVIDIA’s Next-Gen SOC Could Shake Things Up In The AI PC Segment If These Rumored Specs Are Correct, Blackhawk Arm CPU Cores, Blackwell RTX GPU & LPDDR6 Memory All Onboard The Same Package Recently, we have seen several rumors and reports of NVIDIA potentially planning an entry into the client PC space with its own SOC. There are reports that these SOCs will also open the door for new consoles, primarily handhelds in the beginning. Just yesterday, CEOs of both NVIDIA & […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/nvidia-next-gen-ai-pc-soc-arm-cortex-x5-blackhawk-cpu-blackwell-rtx-gpu-lpddr6/