Even Trump’s Allies Admit That A Guilty Verdict Would Hurt Him

Former Trump deputy press secretary Hogan Gidley said that a guilty verdict would change the minds of some voters.


Hogan Gidley on CNN admitted that a guilty verdict could change some voters’s minds about Trump, “They don’t really care about this case right now, but the verdict that could change some minds here and there no question about it.” pic.twitter.com/nOD28RzeAQ

— Sarah Reese Jones (@PoliticusSarah) May 28, 2024

Gidley said on CNN’s The Lead with Jake Tapper, “I think the election really comes down to the issues that the American people care about. They don’t really care about this case right now that the verdict that could change some minds there no question about it, but at the end of the day, what we’re talking about is can you afford gas and can you afford groceries? Is crime better or is it worse under Joe Biden, the southern border, drugs into our communities, human trafficking, child smuggling the world, breaking out into chaos with wars erupting. Those are the things that we’re going to be debating between now and the election. Now, what the American people think about that, of course, and in the landscape of this whole trial is significant.”

The message coming from Trump and his water carriers in the corporate media was that the trial and a guilty verdict would not influence the election, but what Gidley said was true. The verdict will sway some people who may have been thinking about voting for Trump away from him, and in a close election, if Trump loses as little as 100,000 votes combined in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, he won’t win the election.

Presidential elections in the United States are close, even if one of the candidates is convicted of crimes. Trump can’t afford to lose any voters, and Gidley’s comments reveal why the ex-president has been trying to preemptively spin a potential guilty verdict.

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