Trump Under Investigation For Quid Pro Quo Solicitation Of Bribes

A Congressional investigation has been launched into what bipartisan experts have referred to as Trump’s engagement in quid pro quo, and “blatant pay for play.”

The Guardian reported on the investigation into Trump for corrupt solicitation of campaign donations:

“It certainly meets the definition of corruption as the founding fathers would have used the term,” Senator Sheldon Whitehouse said in an interview about Trump’s audacious $1bn request for big checks to top fossil-fuel executives that took place in April at his Mar-a-Lago club.

Whitehouse added: “The quid pro quo – so called – is so very evident … I can’t think of anything that matches this either in terms of the size of the bribe requested, or the brazenness of the linkages.”

Amplifying those concerns, former Federal Election Commission general counsel Larry Noble said that Trump’s unusually aggressive money pitch “violates the letter and spirit” of campaign-finance laws, and a veteran Republican consultant called it “blatant pay to play”.

One of the reasons why the investigation of Trump is not criminal yet is that the Supreme Court has left the nation with inadequate campaign finance laws. A secondary reason is that Trump has not delivered any policies for those that he is soliciting money from because he has no position of power within government.

Just as the nation saw with the 1/6 Committee, congressional investigations can be very important because they may lead to criminal referrals to the Department of Justice. Trump is being very upfront about what he is attempting to do. He is telling industry executives that he will do their bidding in exchange for campaign contributions.
There will be a Senate hearing on this subject, and while the country is dealing with the fallout from Trump’s Manhattan criminal conviction, pay attention to this new emerging scandal, because according to experts, newly convicted felon Donald Trump is soliciting bribes through a pay to play scheme.
