
Underreported Data Suggests Victory for GOP in PA Suburbs

Reposted with permission by Athan Koutsiouroumbas at Real Clear Wire   In late September, ABC News/Washington Post released a national ...

Don’t Use Immigrants as Political Pawns

I’m old enough to remember the days when Republicans welcomed the victims of communism to our shores—not just for the obvious ...

CNN Makes Fun of Ginni Thomas for Believing 2020 Election Was Stolen – But She’s Right – The 2020 Election NEVER Should Have Been Certified for Joe Biden

Anytime the corrupt Mainstream media says that something was debunked, that means that without a doubt the subject matter is ...

Company That Organizes Trump’s Paid Speeches Is Going Broke

In a sign of how it is going for Trump, the company that organizes Trump’s paid rallies and speeches is ...

Trevor Noah is Out at the Daily Show

Trevor Noah has announced that he is leaving the Daily Show. Noah has hosted the Comedy Central show for the ...

Who Sabotaged the Nord Stream Pipelines?

Speculation abounds about who or what could have damaged the Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea, a whodunit case ...

How Bad Is It? Even Bill Clinton Says There’s a Limit to How Many Immigrants the US Can Take

Former President Bill Clinton admitted there is a limit to how many immigrants, legal and illegal, the United States can ...

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME: Actress Suffer Face Paralysis Weeks After Getting Covid ‘Vaccine,’ Says She’d Do It Again

A modern-day version of the Stockholm Syndrome has played out throughout COVID captivity. People around the world have been beaten ...

Netflix’s Athena Is a Masterpiece About Police Violence and Social Unrest

Athena, director Romain Gavras’ movie about an uprising in a French housing block following what appears to be a police ...

Trevor Noah Announces That He Is Leaving The Daily Show

The Daily Show host Trevor Noah announced that after seven years behind the desk, he will be leaving the Comedy ...

TRUTH AND COURAGE UNDER FIRE: Ginni Thomas Tells Liz Cheney and Jan. 6 Committee She Still Believes 2020 Election Was Stolen

Ginni Thomas Liz Cheney and the January 6 Committee recently came to an agreement with conservative Ginni Thomas to be ...

History Repeats Itself: College Leftists Create Jew-Free Zones on Berkeley Campus – the Home of Free Speech

UC Berkeley prides itself on being the home of free speech. According to the UC Berkeley website, “Free speech is ...

TODAY’S BORDER NEWS: Texas Town Can No Longer Take Joe Biden’s Dead Migrants

Jorge Ventura and a local Texas deputy Over 2 million illegals walked across the border this year, an all-time record. ...

FBI Refuses to Return Security Camera Footage of Bombing at Pro-Life Pregnancy Center — Has Made ZERO Arrests in Over 70 Attacks on Pro-Life Centers (VIDEO)

In Junse, far-left pro-abortion terrorists firebombed a Compasscare pro-life crisis center in Buffalo, New York. Amherst police reportedly investigated the ...

The People Rise Up: Iranian Revolutionaries Take up Arms Against the Regime

The Revolution in Iran has spread to 164 cities in all 31 provinces, according to the opposition People’s Mojahedin. Over ...

Seattle Children’s Hospital Vows To Keep Performing Gender Surgeries on Children

Seattle Children’s Hospital is standing by its “mission” of providing gender surgeries for children. Many of these irreversible gender surgeries ...

Pig-Sticker, a Song of the PMC Wagner Mercenaries

Readers of the blog know what side I support in the Russia-Ukraine war, so unsurprisingly most of the songs of ...

Review: Smile

Let’s call it the demon leer—the horror-movie effect created by pasting an incongruous grin across the face of a character ...

FBI Whistleblowers Allege that Agents Who Kneeled in Solidarity with BLM Protesters were Promoted to Higher Rank

Biden’s corrupt FBI is no better than the worst militant police entities in history. The FBI raided the home of ...

Today in Supreme Court History: September 30, 1857

9/30/1857: Justice Benjamin Robbins Curtis resigns from the Supreme Court after Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857). Justice Benjamin Robbins Curtis The post ...

Review: Barack Obama and Adam Conover Want To Shift the Blame for Government Failures

The G Word, a six-episode Netflix documentary, aims to convince Americans we need a large and powerful federal government to ...

Mandated Diversity Statement Drives Jonathan Haidt To Quit Academic Society

It was probably inevitable that Jonathan Haidt, an academic long concerned about the politicization of academia, would eventually be caught ...

Review: Is Prison for Rehabilitation or Punishment?

The standard answer to the question posed by the title of Bill Keller’s new book, What’s Prison For?, cites four goals: punishment, ...

The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics

Every week political cartoonists throughout the country and across the political spectrum apply their ink-stained skills to capture the foibles, ...

Georgia and Nevada on their minds: Senate watchers sweat two swing states

The Democratic and Republican campaign chiefs agree on one thing about the battle for the Senate majority: Nevada and Georgia ...

Giorgia Meloni’s Hard Right Playbook

Last Sunday, Italians voted for the most right-wing government since Benito Mussolini. The controversial politician leading the winning coalition, Giorgia ...

Brickbat: If It Pleases the Court

Court documents say former Brooklyn Surrogate Court judge Harriet Thompson was removed from the bench after a series of anti-gay ...

How Do You Challenge A Student Loan Forgiveness Rule That Does Not Exist?

To date, I have not written about President Biden’s student loan forgiveness initiative. Why? Because the rule doesn’t actually exist! ...

Six States File Lawsuit Challenging Biden Student Debt Cancellation Program

Earlier today, six GOP-controlled state governments filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of President Biden’s massive student loan forgiveness program. ...

Republican Christine Drazan Maintaining Strong Poll Numbers In Oregon Governor Race – Now Leading!

Republican Christine Drazan is holding on to her strong poll numbers in the race for governor in Oregon. If Drazan ...