Wildgate Q&A – ‘We’re Definitely Thinking About Joining Game Pass/PS Plus’

OSTN Staff


Dreamhaven and Moonshot Games have unveiled Wildgate today. You can read a lot more about this interesting sci-fi PvP team-based first-person action/adventure game, including our first impressions from playing it, in this article. Here, we’re reporting the full transcript of our press roundtable chat with Co-Founder and Game Director Dustin Browder, Studio Head and Producer Jason Chayes, and Business Lead Justin Lane. Enjoy! Jason Fanelli (Gamespot): When did the team decide that four players was the sweet spot per group? Were there any experimentations with three, five, or even six players? Dustin Browder: We did experiment quite a bit with […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/wildgate-qa-were-definitely-thinking-about-joining-game-pass-ps-plus/