Original Content podcast: ‘Too Hot to Handle’ might be a work of evil genius

OSTN Staff

Is “Too Hot to Handle” the dumbest show on Netflix … or the most diabolically brilliant?

The reality TV series brings a group of twentysomethings together on a secluded tropical retreat, then — after a brief getting-to-know-you period — warns them that anything even coming close to sex will result in a reduction of the $100,000 prize. Not only does this force the contestants to wrestle with their own physical desires — it also encourages them to point fingers and police each other’s behavior.

The show is obviously ridiculous (we haven’t even mentioned Lana, the virtual assistant who explains the rules and supposedly monitors everyone’s behavior) and hypocritical. It simultaneously invites you to ogle the hardbodied cast members as they dance around in swimsuits and to judge them for indulging in “meaningless” hookups.

But as we discussed “Too Hot to Handle” on the latest episode of the Original Content podcast, another thought occurred to us: Maybe these aren’t just hedonistic morons showcasing the worst parts of their personalities at the encouragement of reality TV producers. Maybe, instead, this is a brutally honest documentary capturing how all human beings would behave if we could get away with it.

As you ponder that possibility, you can listen to our review in the player below, subscribe using Apple Podcasts or find us in your podcast player of choice. If you like the show, please let us know by leaving a review on Apple. You can also send us feedback directly. (Or suggest shows and movies for us to review!)

And if you’d like to skip ahead, here’s how the episode breaks down:
0:00 Intro
0:27 Netflix earnings
18:27 “Too Hot to Handle” review
40:48 “Too Hot to Handle” spoiler discussion

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