Zoom has more than 300 million users now, with just 10 million at 2019’s end

OSTN Staff

Zoom has more than 300 million users now, with just 10 million at 2019's end

At this point, you’re probably sick of reading articles about the video teleconferencing service Zoom that mentions how explosive its growth has been during the coronavirus pandemic.

These latest numbers, however, make it clear as day why that’s the case.

Zoom announced that the platform now has more than 300 million daily active meeting participants.

At the end of last month, Zoom CEO Eric S. Yuan shared that the company had hit 200 million daily active meeting participants. That means the company has added more than 100 million users in roughly three weeks’ time.

Making this number even more astounding, Zoom previously reported that it had a total of 10 million users at the end of December 2019. Read more…

More about Cybersecurity, Zoom, Users, Coronavirus, and Tech

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