Can’t escape home? Try this virtual escape room instead.

OSTN Staff

Can't escape home? Try this virtual escape room instead.

One afternoon, I found myself trapped in an enchanted forest with a few friends and no help but some gentle guidance from a “fairy godparent.”

Well, we weren’t really outside. Who is these days?Instead, three of my friends and I were lost in a virtual escape room on Zoom.

Despite the fantasy of it all, we were still met by the harsh reality of bad WiFi and videoconferencing quirks at the beginning. But as the adventure continued, it became a welcome escape.

“Do we need to download Zoom? All this talk about Zoom but I’ve never actually used it before,” a friend asked in our group chat before we set out for the 90-minute experience. Read more…

More about Entertainment, Games, Puzzle, Zoom, and Tech

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