Royals wrap: Harry and William reconnect, the Queen saddles up, and a new royal baby

OSTN Staff

Prince Harry and Prince William are reportedly reconnecting after resolving their royal rift.

Rumours of tension and resentment have long circled the brothers, dating back to before Harry and Meghan moved across the pond.

It seems Prince Charles’ recent brush with COVID-19 might have been the catalyst for their reunion.

“There have been clearly some quite major rifts in that relationship, but things have got better, and I know that William and Harry are in touch on the phone,” royal expert Katie Nicholl told Entertainment Tonight.

“They have done video calls together, they have done a lot of family birthdays and I think with Prince Charles not being well, that really forced the brothers to pick up the phone and get back in touch.”

Prince William prince Harry Prince Charles Meghan Markle Kate Middleton
Their royal relationship appears to be on the mend. Photo: Getty 

Harry addressed swirling rumours of the squabble back in 2019 in the ITV documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey.

“Part of this role and part of this job and this family being under the pressure that it’s under… stuff happens,” said the 35-year-old.

“But look we’re brothers. We’ll always be brothers.”

While her grandsons work out their worries, Her Majesty the Queen has been making the most of quarantine.

According to Vanity Fair, the 94-year-old has been riding horses everyday and  enjoying the extra time with husband Prince Phillip.

Queen Elizabeth
The Queen is reportedly in “excellent spirits” and is enjoying equestrian life. Photo: Getty 

But a source close to the Queen said she was eager to get back to work as soon as it is safe to do so.

“The idea that we won’t see the Queen in public again is certainly not the case,” said the source.

“The Queen is planning to come back to work, and when she does I think we’ll see her work harder than ever.”

Move over Charlie…

It seems there is a new Prince Charles in town – and he’s the heir to a royal throne of his own.

On Sunday morning, the Luxembourg royals Prince Guillaume and his wife, Princess Stephanie, welcomed their first child, named Charles Jean Philippe Joseph Marie Guillaume.

The excited parents were quick to whisk the newborn away after his birth at Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital in Luxembourg – but not before pausing to address the media.

“A birth is a message of hope. It’s a blessing,” Prince Guillaume said.

“I think this is what we’re so happy to be able to share with Luxembourg but also over the borders with all the different countries.”

Due to social distancing regulations, baby Prince Charles, who is second in line to the throne, met his grandparents, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, via video chat.

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Cet après-midi, le temps s’est arrêté au Château de Berg lors d’un appel vidéo durant lequel LL.AA.RR. le Grand-Duc et la Grande-Duchesse ont eu l’immense joie de rencontrer pour la première fois leur petit-fils : le Prince Charles.⠀ Une rencontre digitale, certes, mais chargée en émotion !⠀ En attendant de pouvoir enfin Le serrer dans leurs bras, ce sont des grands-parents aux anges qui ont pu découvrir le visage du nouveau-né sous le regard ému de Ses heureux Parents, Le Grand-Duc héritier et la Grande-Duchesse héritière.⠀ ———⠀ De Mëtteg ass op Schlass Bierg d’Zäit ee Moment stoe bliwwen: bei enger Videoschaltung hunn de Grand-Duc an d’Grande-Duchesse déi rieseg Freed gehat, fir d’éischte Kéier hiren Enkel, de Prënz Charles ze gesinn.⠀ Wuel nëmmen eng digital Begéinung, mee verbonne mat groussen Emotiounen. ⠀ An Erwaardung, de Puppelchen an den Aarm däerfen ze huelen, hunn déi iwwerglécklech Grousselteren hiren Enkel eng éischte Kéier bewonnert, dat ënner dem Bléck vun senge geréierten a glécklechen Elteren, der ierfgroussherzoglecher Koppel.⠀ ⠀ © Cour grand-ducale / Sophie Margue⠀ #GrandducalBaby #Bebegrandducale #PrinceCharles⠀ #MonarchieLu #Coupleheritier

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