China looks to retaliate against U.S. over ‘unreasonable suppression’ of Huawei

OSTN Staff

China looks to retaliate against U.S. over ‘unreasonable suppression’ of Huawei

Regardless of everything else going on, the U.S. vsHuawei saga doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

On Saturday, China’s foreign ministry called on the U.S. to stop its “unreasonable suppression” of Huawei and other Chinese companies. The foreign ministry told Reuters that it would “firmly defend its companies’ legal rights” in response to a question about possible retaliation in response to the U.S.

But strong words weren’t all that came out of China’s request to the U.S.

While the ministry didn’t directly threaten to push back in its response to Reuters, a Chinese newspaper connected to President Xi Jinping’s party reported that a source said the Chinese government was ready to retaliate against Washington. Read more…

More about Apple, China, Smartphones, Donald Trump, and Huawei

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