Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ isn’t scandalous — it’s honest

OSTN Staff

Netflix's 'Cuties' isn't scandalous — it's honest

Near the end of Cuties, its 11-year-old heroines take the stage at a dance competition with a routine that wouldn’t be out of place in a strip club. Clad in sparkly short-shorts and crop tops, they hump the floor, grab their crotches, lick their lips, and throw their heads back in a naive simulation of sex, to the visible discomfort of their audience. 

It’s possibly the film’s most disturbing scene, and for some reason, it’s also the scene Netflix chose to highlight in their early marketing, sparking an outcry they should’ve seen coming from a mile away. (The company has since apologized.) What both the ill-conceived marketing and subsequent controversy are missing, however, is everything about the context.  Read more…

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