Statement from the first ACT-Accelerator Facilitation Council meeting

OSTN Staff

<div title="Page 1"><div><div><p>As Members and Partners of the Facilitation Council of the &lsquo;<a href="">Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator</a>&rsquo; (ACT- Accelerator), on the occasion of the Council&rsquo;s launch meeting;</p><p>We share the vision of the ACT-Accelerator as a unique international collaboration to fast-track the development and equitable deployment of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics globally while strengthening related health systems;</p><p>We thank the World Health Organization and the European Commission for their leadership in co- convening this first meeting of the Facilitation Council at this crucial time, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a devastating impact on the health, societies and economies of all countries, the consequences of which have disproportionately affected poor and vulnerable populations;</p><p>We welcome South Africa and Norway as the Council&rsquo;s co-chairs;</p><p>We recognize that the fastest and most effective solution to the COVID-19 crisis, and the full mitigation of its health, social and economic consequences, is through global multilateral collaboration and international solidarity that supports all countries and populations, including the world&rsquo;s poorest and at-risk populations such as women and children;</p><p>We fully align with the ACT-Accelerator goal of rapidly reducing the risk of severe COVID-19 disease globally, which will in turn bolster the capacity of health systems to safely and effectively manage COVID- 19 and restore the global confidence needed to resume economic and societal activity;</p><p>We appreciate the leadership and work of the ACT-Accelerator Pillar co-conveners and their partners for the substantial achievements to date, while recognizing the considerable challenges they face to realize the full potential of this unprecedented global collaboration;</p><p>We consider the ACT-Accelerator an integral part of the implementation of the World Health Assembly Resolution (WHA73.1(3)) and that it responds fully to the G20 Leaders&rsquo; Commitment of 26 March 2020, as both highlighted the need for end-to-end solutions to accelerate the development and equitable, universal deployment of life saving COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics;</p><p>We acknowledge the urgency of catalysing a step-change in political support and financing for the ACT- Accelerator in order to enable it to deliver on its mission of accelerating the discovery and deployment of new COVID-19 tools to all people, everywhere;</p><p><strong>Accordingly, we will:</strong></p><ol><li><p><strong>Provide sustained political leadership to galvanize and harness broad international support for the ACT-Accelerator</strong>,&nbsp;including in key upcoming fora such as the UN General Assembly, the G20 and G7 processes, the Paris Peace Forum and IMF/World Bank Group meetings and through our respective regional cooperation groups and national processes;</p></li><li><p><strong>Advocate in support of the ACT-Accelerator Investment Case in order to secure as a matter of urgency the financial resources required to scale-up for impact</strong>&nbsp;and change the course of the pandemic;</p></li><li><p><strong>Honour and realize our shared commitment to leave no one behind in this crisis</strong>,&nbsp;by working to ensure that all countries and populations have early, affordable and equitable access to the new vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics that the ACT-Accelerator is pursuing.</p></li></ol><p>&nbsp;</p></div></div></div>

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