Google’s engineers aren’t having a good day today. This afternoon, a number of Google services went offline or are barely reachable. These services include Google Meet, Drive, Docs, Analytics, Classroom and Calendar, for example.
While Google’s own status dashboards don’t show any issues, we’re seeing reports from around the world from people who aren’t able to reach any of these services. Best we can tell, these issues started around 6pm PT.
It’s unusual for this number of Google services to go down at once. Usually, it’s only a single service that is affected. This time around, however, it’s clearly a far broader issue.
We’ve reached out to Google and will update this post once we hear more about what happened.
Update (6:30pm PT): and we’re back. It looks like most Google services are now recovering.
Update: (8:00pm PT): here is a statement from Google: “We experienced a short service disruption affecting several products including G Suite, and are now recovering. For more details, please visit our status dashboard.”
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