Huawei announced the last month and also revealed its plans to roll out a beta version for smartphones in December. The company is also going to launch its with the in-house OS next year.
It had earlier said that phones running would be upgradable to HarmonyOS in the future. Thanks to a Chinese blogger (via ), we now know which existing devices would be compatible with HarmonyOS once its released.
HarmonyOS roll out will be staggered
Smartphones fueled by the upcoming will apparently be the first to get Huawei’s …
It had earlier said that phones running would be upgradable to HarmonyOS in the future. Thanks to a Chinese blogger (via ), we now know which existing devices would be compatible with HarmonyOS once its released.
HarmonyOS roll out will be staggered
Smartphones fueled by the upcoming will apparently be the first to get Huawei’s …
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