- Over 46 million Americans have already voted early or by mail with 12 days to go until Election Day, according to the US Elections Project.
- If you received a mail ballot, there’s still plenty of time to return that ballot. Experts say, however, that it’s too late to request a mail ballot if you haven’t done so already, and you should vote in person.
- Even in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, in-person voting is still a safe option. Experts recommend voting early, if possible, to give yourself more flexibility and to help you avoid potentially long lines or bad weather on November 3.
- Be sure to double-check the hours and location of your voting site, bring your ID if necessary to vote, research everything on your ballot ahead of time, and, of course, wear a mask.
- Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
With 12 days left to vote in the 2020 presidential election, more than 46 million Americans have already cast ballots either by mail or early in person, according to the US Elections Project.
In most states, voting by mail is now more accessible than ever before. But experts say that given the processing and delivery timelines for mail ballots, it’s likely too late to vote by mail if you haven’t yet requested a ballot, making in-person voting your best bet.
“In terms of making a plan, options are getting more and more limited as we get closer to Election Day,” David Becker, executive director of the Center for Election Innovation and Research, told Insider. “If a voter is thinking about voting by mail and they haven’t requested a mail ballot, I would advise that it’s too late to request one at this point.”
Even with the pandemic, voting in person remains a safe and secure option to cast a ballot. Here are five tips to ensure you have the best voting experience possible:
1. Check the location and hours of your polling place
Becker highly recommends that voters go to vote early, if possible. If you wait to vote on Election Day, you’re only giving yourself a single day and one option to cast a ballot, regardless of the weather conditions or wait time.
Early voting, which is currently underway in the majority of states, gives voters an opportunity to avoid the November 3 rush and grants them more flexibility: if lines are particularly long on the day you pick, you can go back during a less busy time during the early voting period.
Double-check the location of your early voting site, which may be different from your regular Election Day voting site or may have changed since you last voted. Also, check what hours that location is open. Some counties have multiple early voting sites available where anyone can vote, and many also offer drive-thru or curbside voting.
“Make a plan, and go during off-hours,” Becker said. “If you go during highly-trafficked times on weekends or during the beginning or end of the business day, it’s likely lines will be longer.”
Here’s when the polls open and close in every state on Election Day:
2. Bring your ID if necessary
In 2020, 35 states will require all or some voters to show some form of identification in order to be able to vote in person.
This map shows what identification, if any, is required to vote in your state. You can find specific information about what forms of ID qualify in your state from the National Conference of State Legislatures.
In states with non-strict voter ID laws, you can still cast a regular ballot without an ID, but need to fill out an affidavit affirming your identity and eligibility to vote.
In strict voter ID law states, however, voters without the necessary ID will have to cast a provisional ballot that is only counted if they provide proof of residency after the election.
3. Research what’s on your ballot beforehand
In addition to the presidential election, 33 Senate seats and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are on the ballot.
There will also be important statewide, local, and municipal elections, and/or ballot amendment initiatives on your ballot, and you can have the biggest impact with your vote by voting in as many contests as possible.
You can save time for yourself and help keep the line moving efficiently at your voting site by looking up your sample ballot and reading up on all the races and any ballot initiatives that you’ll be voting on ahead of time. You can also bring that sample ballot with you when you go to vote.
That said, don’t rush yourself so much that you miss important things on your ballot. If you’re voting on a paper ballot, be sure to check if there are races on both sides.
4. If you received a mail ballot, vote that ballot if possible
States like Georgia and Kansas are experiencing long lines and high rates of provisional ballots due to voters who requested mail ballots but are also going to vote in person.
Nearly every state allows voters who have received a mail ballot to vote in person if they didn’t receive their ballot in time or if they changed their mind, but rules vary, according to an analysis by the National Vote at Home Institute.
In some cases, voters will have to cast provisional ballots, which are time-consuming for election officials to process and are always counted last.
“Voters should know that if they have received a mail ballot but want to vote in person, they can,” Becker said. “The best way to do that is to bring their mail ballot to a voting site and surrender it, and they’ll most likely be given a regular ballot. If they don’t have their mail ballot, they can still go, but they’ll probably have to vote a provisional ballot. But that provisional ballot will be counted as long as their mail ballot doesn’t come in.”
Experts and officials still recommend that if you received a ballot, you should vote that ballot. Doing so will help reduce lines at in-person voting sites and rates of provisional voting.
You can return your ballot either via the United States Postal Service, and in most states, in person either to a secure ballot dropbox, your local elections office, or a polling place.
5. Wear a mask and be kind to poll workers
You can take some simple measures to help keep you and your community safe by wearing a mask, keeping as much distance from other voters as possible, and washing your hands before and after voting.
And finally, keep in mind that local election workers are working long hours to keep voting safe, meet record demand for voting in some areas, and ensure that every eligible voter can cast a ballot. Even though it’s hard to convey a smile from being a mask, being kind, patient, and thanking your poll workers can go a long way.
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