During the clip, the Queen, played by actress Debra Stephenson, breaks into a TikTok dance routine which she hopes will get her onto Strictly Come Dancing. She also speaks “plainly and from the heart” in the address to reveal what she and Prince Philip have been up to in lockdown, revealing her penchant for “Netflix and Phil”.The ‘monarch’ then goes on to address her son Andrew who is embroiled in a sex scandal and grandson Harry and his wife Meghan’s move to Canada and then Los Angeles.The Queen says: “Which is why I was so saddened by the departure of Harry and Meghan. There are few things more hurtful than someone telling you they prefer the company of Canadians.“But at least I still have my beloved Andrew close by. It seems unlikely he’ll be heading to North America any time soon.”
Ending the address, she offers a stark warning against misinformation and ‘deepfakes’, warning viewers to question “whether what we see and hear is always as it seems”.‘Deepfake’ technology has become increasingly prevalent over recent years and can be used to create convincing but completely manufactured video content of celebrities and high-profile figures.Former US president Barack Obama has been the subject of a barrage of deepfake videos in the past three years, which many viewers were convinced were real.Another eerily realistic clip that surfaced last year shows former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn backing rival Boris Johnson to become Prime Minister.The end of the Queen’s message shows the artificially created images fading away to reveal the green screen used to manufacture images of Buckingham Palace – and show it was in fact Stephenson playing the Queen.Channel 4’s alternative Christmas message airs opposite the BBC’s broadcast of the Queen’s official televised address to the nation at 3.25pm on Christmas Day (2.25am on Boxing Day ADST).
This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission
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