Music company Mushroom Group announced the news via Facebook, with a statement from Braithwaite.“I’m incredibly sorry to cancel as I was really looking forward to returning to Mallacoota where I spent some time recently – I’m having a few days rest and will be back on track next week,” Braithwaite said.For those tuning into the national broadcast, Braithwaite will still feature with a song he recorded at last weekend’s All Saints Estate concert.
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New Zealand singer Jon Stevens has stepped in to replace Braithwaite at the last minute, writing: “I’m sorry to hear our mate Daryl is unwell and I wish him the speediest of recoveries. Stepping in for him for my first gig in 12 months will be an absolute honour and I can’t wait to rock out in Mallacoota! Cheers, Jon x”.It is not yet known why Braithwaite has been hospitalised though it’s understood the illness is not serious.
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