On Thursday, Rosalía took to Instagram to show off yet another one of her stylish ensembles. For the post, the 27-year-old singer-songwriter wore a gray, off-the-shoulder sweater dress, featuring fringe details and one very high slit. What made the look even better is that she paired it with knee-high, lug-soled boots. Both the dress and footwear were a result of Stockholm-based fashion brand Eytys’ spring ‘21 collection.
Rosalía’s dress, called the Gemi Multi Boucle, will retail for $380 upon its release later this year, according to Footwear News. Like her chunky footwear — a trend that’s been on the rise for months now, but is currently making waves on the streets at couture fashion week, thanks to Bella Hadid — her fringe dress is one of this season’s top trends. During fall ‘20 fashion month last February, fringe details appeared in almost every brand’s ready-to-wear collection, including Givenchy and Bottega Veneta. A fringe coat from the former went on to be worn by Rihanna on the September cover of Harper’s Bazaar; the same coat was later spotted on Hailey Bieber during a coffee run in October. But even after seeing the trend be done time and time again, Rosalía’s take on it feels fresh because of the on-point boots, called the Impreza Dust ($470), that she paired the dress with.
Given that Eytys released its fall ‘21 lookbook on the same day as her post, Rosalía’s wearing of the dress and boots looks to be an unofficial endorsement from the singer, who has long been a supporter of the impossibly cool brand. In 2019, she was spotted in Los Angeles wearing an oversized Eytys jacket with Prada Monolith combat boots and tiny, punk-inspired sunglasses. Just last week, she wore the brand again, in an Instagram post that showed her horseback riding while wearing a black tank top from its collection.
After perusing Eytys’ just-released collection which includes a smattering of other popular trends — from boxer shorts to baggy jeans and leather blazers — it’s clear why she’s such a fan.
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