On Thursday, Lady Gaga was spotted in Rome looking every bit as angelic as the cherubs carved throughout the Italian capital. There on location for the upcoming Ridley Scott true crime film Gucci, the Grammy and Oscar winner wore a white suit by Max Mara, with a matching face mask and bucket bag. But, of course, the look wasn’t without a touch of Gaga. Adorning her feet were her signature seven-inch patent leather boots.
You don’t have to be a Little Monster to recognize the sky-high boots from Gaga’s many runway, red carpet, and concert appearances. Similar in height to Alexander McQueen’s armadillo boots that Gaga also popularized, the Pleaser boots are easier to come by, though equally hard to walk in. But Gaga’s proven herself to be plenty capable of pulling off the shoes anyone else would certainly break an ankle in. That said, given that we’re in a pandemic and all — one that’s resulted in many people opting for slippers and sneakers over heels — we half expected Gaga to store away her Pleasers for the time being. At the least, we assumed she’d leave them at home while walking on Rome’s cobblestone streets. And yet, her latest look proves we were wrong to doubt her commitment to them.
Though this is the first time she’s sported her Pleaser boots, the singer-actor-beauty entrepreneur has been showing off an enviable wardrobe in Italy this week. On Tuesday, she wore a camel-colored coat from Max Mara’s spring ‘21 collection, which she paired with black-and-maroon heels and a large Celine tote bag. And with plenty more filming left to do in the country that built Gucci, this is likely only the beginning of her sartorial jaunt through Italy.
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