Qualcomm has decided to lift the curtains off their latest 7-series processor. This time, we are looking at the Snapdragon 780G, the latest chip that brings features from the flagship Snapdragon 888. At the same time, you are getting more affordable features from the company, making this chipset a great alternative for mid-range devices that will launch this year.
The New Snapdragon 780G Brings Flagship Grade Features to a More Affordable Audience
The Snapdragon 780G could be considered the flagship of the 7-series, and it replaces the likes of Snapdragon 765G and 768G. The new chip obviously brings a boosted performance as well. For instance, the Snapdragon 780G actually brings Qualcomm’s Kryo 670 CPU; Qualcomm claims that it can deliver up to a 40 percent performance boost. You are also getting a new Adreno 642 GPU, which the claims say can deliver up to 50 percent faster graphics performance as compared to the older CPUs.
Additionally, the Snapdragon 780G also brings new functionality, such as the Spectra 570 ISP (image signal processor). You can find this in the Snapdragon 888, and the purpose of this is to help phones capture three photos or videos simultaneously.
Like the Snapdragon 888, the 780G features Qualcomm’s sixth-generation AI engine that runs on the new Hexagon 770 processor. This processor can perform 12 trillion operations per second (TOPS) — which is twice as much when compared to the predecessors. For the sake of reference, the mighty Snapdragon 888 is capable of delivering 26 TOPs. Moving forward, the Snapdragon 780G also brings the second generation Sensing Hub that Qualcomm debuted with their flagship chipset.
Finally, you are getting improved connectivity with the Snapdragon 780G as it comes with an integrated Snapdragon X53 5G modem that can deliver up to 3.3Gbps speeds on a Sub-6 GHz 5G networks. You are also getting Wi-Fi 6E support, which means that the phones will get access to the fastest possible Wi-Fi speeds, and not to forget, you are also getting access to Bluetooth 5.2.
You will start seeing phones debut with the Snapdragon 780G in the 2nd quarter of this year. You can read more about it here.
The post Qualcomm Unleashes Snapdragon 780G and Brings Flagship Features for an Affordable Price by Furqan Shahid appeared first on Wccftech.
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