Today, Apple has seen fit to share a new video ad on Youtube that shows off the iPhone 12’s camera capabilities. The new video ad is part of Apple’s ongoing ‘Shot on iPhone’ campaign. Moreover, Apple has also initiated a new “Shot on iPhone 12 – Everyday Experiments” series and the new promotional video is part of it. Let’s dive in to see some more details on the ad and what can we expect from the iPhone 12 camera.
Apple Shares New Shot on iPhone 12 Video Showcasing What the Device is Capable of
Apple’s “Shot on iPhone 12 – Everyday Experiments” share unique tutorials related to photography and also provide ideas to users regarding visuals. The latest video is titled “Full Bloom” which revolves around Flowers. According to the company, the new video aims to “celebrate spring colors, life, and growth with the iPhone 12.”
The new Shot on iPhone 12 video shows off the device’s camera capabilities such as time-lapse and slo-mo. The video also shows off the techniques that can be used for enhanced visuals and other aspects. As can be seen in the video, Apple made use of flowers, fruits, vegetables, water, succulents, mushrooms, pressed flowers, and more. Check out the video below for more details.
We are glad that Apple provides users with assistance to its devices after launch. There is no doubt that the iPhone 12 series feature one of the best cameras on a smartphone. In terms of video, Apple is the undisputed champion when it comes to maintaining highlights, contrast, and sharpness. We will share more details on the iPhone 12’s camera, so be sure to stick around. Also, do check how the iPhone XR beat the iPhone 12 in a speed test.
Did you like Apple’s Shot on iPhone 12 video? Would you be willing to experiment and create your own masterpiece? Let us know in the comments.
The post Apple’s New Shot on iPhone 12 Video Teaches Users How to Create a Masterpiece by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.
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