After months of seeing Lady Gaga wearing luxury ensemble after luxury ensemble on the set of Ridley Scott’s upcoming film House of Gucci in Rome, the singer-actor is back in L.A., taking a break from high heels and wedding dresses. On Tuesday, Gaga was spotted post-Starbucks pick-up wearing a bright tie-dye sweatsuit from Radarte, the casual spin-off of SoCal fashion brand Rodarte.
She accessorized with neon pink-and-green Nike sneakers, cat-eye sunglasses attached to a pearl chain, and a matching pearl bracelet. Those, and a second tie-dye crewneck wrapped around her waist, because after months of wearing glamorous chalet attire and ‘80s-era suits, one hoodie simply isn’t enough.
While we enjoyed following along with Gaga’s on-set wardrobe — which also included fur caps, a Pretty Woman-esque dress, and lots of chunky gold chains — it’s nice to see the “Rain On Me” singer return to her laidback style. It doesn’t hurt that her L.A. look is actually attainable. That’s right: Gaga’s Radarte sweatsuit(s) is currently available for sale.
Though slightly pricier than the tie-dye pieces you made at sleepaway camp, Radarte’s collection of logo-covered, tie-dye loungewear is tenfold more affordable than anything from the set of House of Gucci — and a lot cozier, too. (Her crewneck, hoodie, and jogger-style sweatpants are $276, $322, and $276, respectively, and available in size XS to 2X.)
Shop the Gaga-approved set, below.
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