The couple announced their engagement news on Tuesday with a video capturing the special moment Broad popped the question on their porch at home.“Covid ruined the first plan but it was never going to stop me from proposing to my best friend,’’ Broad wrote.“Knew these cameras would come in handy one day. Love you forever Tay.”Damir, who has previously won reality show Love Island, moved to Melbourne last year. She wrote: “My forever @nathanbroad. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.”They received congratulations from the likes of Bec Judd, Mia Fevola, Sophie Monk, Olivia Rogers, Abbey Gelmi, Erin Holland, Tegan Martin and Keira Maguire.Damir and Broad knew each other from growing up in Western Australia.The only game she went to last year was the grand final after quarantining in Queensland.She told Confidential in December: “I haven’t got the chance to see Melbourne that much, we weren’t able to go on one date since I moved over from WA because of AFL lockdown.“I was really lucky with the hub. “I did the quarantine and I feel very proud I got to watch him. It’s really nice to see him enjoy the sport.”They travelled around WA after the Tigers won the flag and she started a business, Angel Energy and Co affirmation cards, based on her coping mechanisms.“I‘ve always struggled with anxiety and mental health since I was 14 or 15,’’ Damir said.“You’re always going to be hard on yourself, and not having that day-to-day control I had to come up with a more long term thing I could do.“I was repeating affirmations which were bringing me back to the present moment. It was about finding something positive.”
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