Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk announced the new local case at a press conference at 10am but said Queenslanders should “not be alarmed”.“At this stage the woman was only out in the community for a short period of time,” she said.“She had just finished her 14 days of hotel quarantine and tested positive after she left quarantine.”Ms Palaszczuk said there were some areas of “concern” as the woman, who was a flight crew member aged in her 30s, attended a DFO at Brisbane Airport and the Portuguese Family Centre in Ellen Grove.Queensland chief health officer Dr Jeannette Young said it was feared the woman had the highly contagious Delta variant as she had contact with a positive case on a flight who had that variant.“She came into Brisbane on June 5 on an Emirates flight and we know she had contact with a positive case on that flight who had the Delta variant and that is my concern,” she said.“I am treating this case as if she does have the Delta variant because we know that only fleeting contact can lead to transmission.”Health officials are expecting the genomic sequencing results will be returned later on Sunday or early Monday, which will confirm if the woman has the Delta variant.Dr Young said the woman left hotel quarantine at 9am on Saturday and travelled by private shuttle bus with other flight crew members to the Hamilton Apartments.She then left the hotel at 4pm and went shopping at the airport DFO until 4.30pm.“It’s too early to get tested because they would have been exposed between 4pm and 4:30pm, less than 24 hours (ago), so you won’t be positive at this stage but they may turn positive over the next 14 days,” Dr Young said.Those who were also at the DFO during those times needs to ring 13 Health or go online to identify themselves so they can be contacted by Queensland Health.Dr Young said health officials were still working through CCTV footage to work out the exact shops the woman visited.She said the woman was also outside in the city from 5pm to 6pm and travelled by a private car to the Portuguese Family Centre from 7pm until 7.50pm.“Anyone there during that time needs to immediately isolate and will be contacted,” Dr Young said.“We got the positive result at 7.50pm and then started contact tracing all the people we know this lady has come in contact with.”Ms Palaszczuk said if they were able to get the one community case under control over the next two days the government would be in a position to ease restrictions from 1am on Friday.She said that would be “good news” for all indoor values across Queensland, such as restaurants, cafes and bars.“There will be no limits on gathering at people’s homes, no limits in outdoor places … there’ll be no restrictions in aged care, disability services and hospitals,” she
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