Overflowing inbox? This email manager is over 80% off.

OSTN Staff

Get rid of annoying newsletters, brand blasts, and more.

TL;DR: Need to organize your email? Try a subscription for the Mailman Email Manager, on sale for 83% off. As of July 12, get a lifetime subscription for only $49.99.

There are two types of people in the world: those who let their inboxes overflow with no end in sight, and those who need to get their inbox count down to zero before they can clock out for the day.

If you fall into either category, you might need additional organizational tools that your regular email domain host just can’t provide, like a digital inbox management assistant. With Mailman, you can prioritize emails, block unimportant ones, set delivery time slots, and much more.

Mailman works as a Gmail plugin (also works with Apple Mail Spark, Mailbird, Polymail, or Superhuman) that pairs with any modern browser. This subscription is for the “lite” plan, which lets you snooze your inbox, manage activity logs, and set up custom delivery scheduling, custom do-not-disturb periods, VIP lists, and unlimited reviewing.

If you shop online, your inbox is bound to be inundated with brand newsletters, email blasts, and more. Mailman’s “block” feature can help you get rid of these. No more annoying newsletters, notifications, or other distractions that keep you from focusing.

Normally, the Mailman browser plugin subscription retails for $300. But for a limited time, you can take 83% off of the retail price and get it for just $49.99.

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