In a red carpet interview with ET, the Transformers star revealed that the nearly naked Mugler gown she wore for the show was the Bloody Valentine singer’s idea.“He was like, ‘You’re gonna be naked tonight,‘” Fox joked when asked about how she decided on the daring design, which also seemed to channel Rose McGowan’s iconic “naked” dress from the 1999 VMAs.“I was like, ‘Whatever you say, daddy!’” she added, pointing to her rocker boyfriend.It wasn’t the only time she referred to Kelly as “daddy” during their night at the show, as she captioned a steamy backstage photo: “Daddy’s gonna win a VMA.”And she later teamed up with Travis Barker’s girlfriend Kourtney Kardashian to announce Barker and Kelly’s performance, introducing them as none other than “our future baby daddies”.It’s also not the first time Kelly has had a hand in picking out clothes for his “twin flame,” as Fox revealed to Page Six that her date night style is “heavily influenced” by “whatever he pulls out of his closet.”“We were just wanting to go together, kind of … then people decided we were matching,” the actress added of their often-co-ordinating styles. “It wasn’t necessarily a planned thing … That’s just how it flowed.”The PDA pros are also known for sporting matching manicures, a trend they continued for another one of Fox’s top skin-baring style moments: Her famed Mugler catsuit at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards.While the Jennifer’s Body actress appeared solo at the Met Gala on Sunday, the duo doubled down on their in-sync couple style at an afterparty, where they colour-coordinated their looks.This article appeared on the New York Post and is reproduced here with permission
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