Australian Adult Entertainment Industry spokesman William Albon said numbers were down by about 2000 because of the pandemic.Many had gone overseas and not returned while others had switched to the illegal sector.“Hundreds of international students and working holiday visa holders from Asia who chose sex work, went home in January for the lunar new year celebrations. They have not been able to return to Australia,” Mr Albon said.“But the largest percentage of those missing are in the illegal component of the sex industry.“When the licensed brothels closed their doors months ago. there was a mass exodus of sex workers from the licensed component to the thriving illegal sector”.Mr Albon said business boomed for illicit brothels during the pandemic as legal operators were forced to close.The AAEI, which represents licensed brothels and escort agencies, said sex workers at 82 Melbourne brothels were vaccinated and ready to go.“We might be down a few numbers, but the enthusiasm of those sex workers rostered to work know no boundaries,” Mr Albon said.“The brothels have been ‘tarted up’; new paint, new décor and sound and lighting in many instances, hygienically cleansed, everyone double vaccinated, all set to rip.”
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