Today host slams ‘tone-deaf’ Meghan

OSTN Staff

The Today show co-host made the quip on Tuesday morning, hours after magazine The Cut revealed the ex-royal was their latest cover girl. In the interview, Meghan claimed a Lion King cast member told her South Africans “danced in the street” on her wedding day just like when “Mandela was freed from prison”.Langdon, co-host Karl Stefanovic and reporter Tracy Vo laughed about comparison, which came amid a string of new claims about Meghan’s life inside The Firm. “That one, I feel, is tone-deaf,” Langdon said.Stefanovic followed up with a series of sarcastic comments about the ex-royal’s comparison.“I think (Meghan) is probably a little misunderstood, don’t you reckon?” he joked.“It’s hard to see how that would sit with (the royal family), especially the Mandela references.”Meghan’s alleged exchange took place at the movie’s 2019 London premiere, months before the Duchess and husband Prince Harry’s African royal tour.Journalist Allison Davis attempted to explain Meghan’s colourful anecdote by insisting the Duchess “knows she’s no Mandela”.“But perhaps even telling me this story is a mode of defence because if you are a symbol for all that is good and charitable, how can anybody find you objectionable, how can anybody hate you?” she wrote. Globally renowned Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in an island prison for opposing South Africa’s cruel apartheid regime.Upon being released in 1990, he worked to dismantle the country’s racist governance before becoming South Africa’s first democratically elected president.Such a grandiose comparison couldn’t help the Today hosts from continuing the gag on air. “Yeah, I think it’s time to support her, especially after the Mandela comments,” Stefanovic sarcastically added.“Anyone who compares themselves to Mandela, I think, is fair enough.”Meghan’s latest interview contained more of the same grievances about the family she married into in 2018. Readers were told of how the couple were “just existing” while living on the grounds of Windsor Castle before they quit royal life and moved to California in early 2020.

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