Tucker: Hispanic Voters Are Moving To The GOP — And Democrats Are In Denial

The red wave is building.

Hispanic voters are moving from the Democrat Party to the GOP, as Tucker Carlson explains.


Partial Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

Way back in the summer of 2016, a phenomenon appeared in several political polls that nobody in the American media could explain. Donald Trump seemed to be performing exceptionally well among Hispanic voters in Florida. It was bizarre, so bizarre that everyone knew it could not be happening. It was scientifically impossible. If there’s one thing that every reporter in America understood, it was that Donald Trump hated Hispanics like the devil hates holy water.

These are people who believe their own improbable propaganda. It sets up the real explanation. So, what is the answer? Why exactly are Hispanic voters moving to the right? They definitely are. The latest Fox News polling shows that 72% of Hispanic voters are not satisfied with the direction the Democrats are taking in the United States. Why? Why is that? What problem do Latino voters have with the Democratic Party?

Well, the answer might be as obvious as it seems. They just don’t like what we’ve got now. It is entirely possible that, like all normal people, Hispanic voters have come to despise the entitled urban liberals who run everything, and why wouldn’t they despise them? Those people are absurd. Not a single word they utter is sincere ever and everything they touch turns to filth. We can give you countless examples of this, but we’re going to pull one from today’s news.

Hispanic voters are fleeing Joe Biden – his approval rating has plummeted since he took office.

The National Review reported:

Only 19 percent of Hispanics approve of Biden’s conduct as president, while 70 percent disapprove, according to a new Quinnipiac poll released Wednesday. Of Hispanics who disapprove, 49 percent feel strongly about it while 20 percent are somewhat discontented.

On the other hand, Biden’s favorability among Hispanics has consistently declined, plummeting from 40 percent in October 2021 to now 19 percent in July 2022.

Democrats are in for shock in November!

The post Tucker: Hispanic Voters Are Moving To The GOP — And Democrats Are In Denial appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.