Trump Has Seen Enough: Offers to Negotiate Peace Deal Between Russia, Ukraine

Former President Donald Trump advised leaders on how to deal with ongoing events in the Russia-Ukraine war, even offering his services to negotiate a peace deal – something he has had great success with in the past.

Trump, writing on his Truth Social media platform, voiced concerns about the alleged “sabotage” of the Nord Stream pipeline and how it could escalate into a furtherance of the war.

“Everyone is talking about the big hurricane barreling into Florida, as they should be, but perhaps a far more important event in the longer term was the announcement that the Nord Stream I & II Pipelines out of Russia … has been SABOTAGED,” he wrote.

“This could lead to major escalation, or War!”

Video has surfaced in recent days of a gigantic stream of gas bubbles rising up from the Baltic Sea while fingers point every which way at the possible culprit.

The Danish military has released volatile footage of a mysterious, frothing disturbance in the Baltic Sea in the vicinity of the Nordstream pipelines

— Jack Posobiec XLV (@JackPosobiec) September 27, 2022

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Trump Wants to Negotiate Peace Deal

Trump, in a follow-up message, urged leaders to remain “cool, calm, and dry” in their response to the possible sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines.

“This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet,” he said.

After noting the Russia-Ukraine war and the pipeline crisis would “definitely not have happened if I were President,” Trump urged peace talks to begin.

“Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake,” he warned. “I will head up group?”

BREAKING: President Trump has offered to step in and mediate a peace deal between Russia, Ukraine and the US

— Jack Posobiec XLV (@JackPosobiec) September 28, 2022

Former Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard seemingly concurred with Trump’s assessment that a peace deal is necessary.

“Anyone who cares about the wellbeing of America and the world must push for a ceasefire and negotiated settlement to bring an end to this war,” she said.

Shortsighted leaders don’t understand the most basic tenet of war: it’s unpredictable. What’s very predictable is the suffering it causes. Anyone who cares about the wellbeing of America and the world must push for a ceasefire and negotiated settlement to bring an end to this war

— Tulsi Gabbard (@TulsiGabbard) September 28, 2022

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Trump’s Successful History

While Trump has a deep history of negotiating peace deals once thought impossible, there is no chance President Biden would consider working in a bipartisan manner to end the war.

And he certainly wouldn’t bring his predecessor into the fold.

It was the former administration that brought about the historic Abraham Accords – a series of peace deals leading to the normalization of relations between Israel and several Arab and Muslim-majority nations.

Trump had aptly described the Accords as “the dawn of a new Middle East.”

ABRAHAM ACCORDS: What Trump “created was quite monumental,” @jonvoight tells Newsmax’s @EricBolling.

“Peace, for the first time in that area, was brought forth.”

— Newsmax (@newsmax) September 13, 2022

Trump’s efforts with the Abraham Accords earned him two Nobel Peace Prize nominations, while a third nomination came about for his efforts to de-escalate tensions with North Korea.

He has the peace pedigree.

Meanwhile, Fox News host Tucker Carlson openly wondered about what “really happened” to the Nord Stream pipeline, but suggested the “sabotage” might not have come from Russia.

Carlson played a clip of President Biden saying prior to the war that he’d “bring an end” to the pipeline should Russia invade.

A video of #Biden‘s pre-war speech in #Ukraine
Biden: If #Russia invades Ukraine, there will be no #Nord_Stream 2
Reporter: But how are you going to do that exactly as the project is under the control of #Germany?
Biden: I promise we’ll be able to do it.#USA #UnitedStates

— خالد اسكيف (@khalediskef) September 28, 2022

Carlson admitted he had no proof of his insinuation and that he could only speculate.

But Carlson isn’t the only one with such a suspicion. 

Poland’s former Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski, who is currently a member of the European Parliament, immediately “thanked” the U.S. for presumably attacking the pipeline:

Thank you, USA.

— Radek Sikorski MEP (@radeksikorski) September 27, 2022

Trump, also on Truth Social media, responded to Biden’s quote about ‘bringing an end’ to Nord Stream.

“Wow, what a statement. World War III anyone?” he wondered.

Let’s hope and pray it can be avoided.

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