University of Southern Maine Students Demand Professor Be Fired For Saying There Are Only Two Sexes

Students at the University of Southern Maine in Portland walked out of class en masse when their professor made the “shocking” statement that only two sexes exist.  After the walk out, students demanded the professor’s firing.

The incident occurred during a debate on gender identity in  Professor Christy Hammer’s ‘Creating a Positive Learning Environment’ class.  Hammer was asked by a student how many sexes exist.  Her answer?  Two.  On today’s woke college campuses, that scientific answer is unacceptable.

The Daily Mail reports:

A group of students at the University of Southern Maine in Portland, Maine are calling for their professor to be fired after she said in class only two sexes exist.

Christy Hammer, a professor of education, allegedly made the statement during a heated debate about gender identity in her  ‘Creating a Positive Learning Environment’ class, causing an uproar among the graduate students.

Only one student agreed with the educator.

Others attending the the class say most agreed that a spectrum exists for both  gender and biological sex.

The point was first made during class on September 7, but was repeated a week later after student Elizabeth Leibiger, who is non-binary and was absent the previous week, brought up the topic again.

She then said she felt ‘under personal attack’ after the professor again said only two sexes exist.

‘I asked [Hammer] how many sexes there were,’ Leibiger said. ‘She said, ‘Two.’ I felt under personal attack.’

‘I let her know I didn’t think she was qualified to teach a class about positive learning environments. It’s the ultimate irony,’ Leibiger said to Fox News. 

Another student suggested Hammer either undergo diversity training or simply retire.

Thus far, USM officials have not given in to the woke tantrums. They have offered an alternative’ section for the class but will not terminate the professor.

Bangor Daily News shared a response from University officials, ‘We have developed an alternative plan for this class and will be opening a new section of this course for those students who would like to move. The original section taught by professor Hammer will continue for any student who wishes to remain in that class,’ a university spokesperson said.

Students have planned a discussion panel that, of course, does not include anyone from the biology department.

The University of Southern Maine, where students walked out this week bc their professor said sex is binary, is addressing the issue with a discussion panel.

On the panel are 2 transgender activists from Maine TransNet & 3 gender studies scholars.

No biologists.

— Jennifer Gingrich (@fem_mb) October 7, 2022

USM has a history of woke-theatrics. In 2018, USM students were offered credit hours for traveling to Washington DC to harass Senator Susan Collins in the hallways and elevator during the Kavanaugh hearings, though following a public uproar the credits were cancelled.

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