UPenn Professor Emeritus: Anti-Racism Policies Are Corrupting Medicine

Dr. Stanley Goldfarb is a professor emeritus at the University of Pennsylvania’s medical school and founder of the non-profit Do No Harm. Goldfarb founded the organization to address concerns that the woke agenda, and the anti-racism policies implemented at many medical schools, is having a detrimental impact on medicine.

According to Do No Harm’s website:

“We are a diverse group of physicians, healthcare professionals, medical students, patients, and policymakers united by a moral mission: Protect healthcare from a radical, divisive, and discriminatory ideology. We believe in making healthcare better for all – not undermining it in pursuit of a political agenda.”

“We believe each and every patient deserves access to the best possible care, and that barriers to care should be broken down. Yet the radical ideology of “anti-racism” is creating new barriers and bad practices that are endangering the health and well-being of everyone – including the people it claims to help.”

In May 2022, Do No Harm filed a civil rights lawsuit challenging health officials in eight states that allow higher pay for doctors who embrace an anti-racism agenda.

Their website shares a variety of resources to support those in the medical field to fight the woke agenda such as a recent strategic plan published by The American Medical Association to address the “inequities” that it claims are due to systematic racism.

The AMA plan, published in 2021, outlines steps the medical community should take to address “inequities”:

1. Embed racial & social justice in AMA enterprise, culture, systems, policies, practices

Build the AMA’s capacity to understand and operationalize anti-racism equity strategies via training and tool development
Ensure equitable structures, processes and accountability in the AMA’s workforce, contracts and budgeting, communications and publishing
Integrate trauma-informed lens and approaches
Assess organizational change (culture, policy, process) over time

2. Build alliances, share power with historically marginalized & minoritized physicians & other stakeholders

Develop structures and processes to consistently center the experiences and ideas of historically marginalized (women, LGBTQ+, people with disabilities, International Medical Graduates) and minoritized (Black, Indigenous, Latinx, Asian and other people of color) physicians
Establish a coalition of multidisciplinary, multisectoral equity experts in health care and public health to collectively advocate for justice in health

3. Ensure equitable structures & opportunities in innovation

Main goals:

Embed racial justice and health equity within existing AMA health care innovation efforts
Equip the health care innovation sector to advance equity and justice
Center, integrate and amplify historically marginalized and minoritized health care investors and innovators
Engage in cross-sector collaboration and advocacy efforts

Actionable results:

In Full Health initiative to advance equitable health innovation

4. Push upstream to address all determinants of health & root causes of inequities

Strengthen physicians’ knowledge of public health and structural/social drivers of health and inequities
Empower physicians and health systems to dismantle structural racism and intersecting systems of oppression
Equip physicians and health systems to improve services, technology, partnership and payment models that advance public health and health equity

5. Foster pathways for truth, racial healing, reconciliation and transformation for AMA’s past

Amplify and integrate often “invisible-ized” narratives of historically marginalized physicians and patients in all that AMA does
Quantify the effects of AMA policy and process decisions that excluded, discriminated and harmed
Repair and cultivate a healing journey for those harms

The New York Post reports:

Goldfarb, 78, says new “anti-racism” med school policies are lowering standards, reducing students to the color of their skin and corrupting medicine in general — much to the outrage of his fellow faculty members.

“I understand we need to give people more opportunities,” Goldfarb, a trained nephrologist, told The Post. “But there are some things you can’t sacrifice. This focus on diversity means we’re going to take someone with a certain skin color because we think they’re OK, that they can do the work. But we’re not going to look for the best and the brightest. We’re going to look for people who are just OK to make sure we have the right mixture of ethnic groups in our medical schools.”

After the May 2020 murder of George Floyd, the powerful American Medical Association (AMA) and Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) claimed that systemic racism was to blame for racial disparities between white and black patients.

Goldfarb said this new push for diversity and equity has meant that some high-performing white — and often Asian — students can’t get into medical school because those slots are being given to black and Hispanic students who don’t have to show such high grades or test scores.

Goldfarb has been publicly rebuked by UPenn Medical School’s chairman, Dr. Michael Parmacek and faced backlash from fellow UPenn faculty members.

Despite landing in the cross-hairs of the woke-mob, Goldfarb published “Take Two Aspirin and Call Me by My Pronouns: Why Turning Doctors into Social Justice Warriors Is Destroying American Medicine” in March, 2022.

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