University of Florida Revokes White Quarterback Commit’s Scholarship After He Recited N-Word in Rap Song

Marcus Stokes thought he had achieved his lifelong dream of becoming a college quarterback after committing to the University of Florida to play for the Gators. In a split second, however, Florida ripped away his dream on Sunday after an unfortunate video surfaced.

Stokes recorded himself in his car last Friday singing the lyrics to a rap song. This song unsurprisingly had a number of vulgar words including the N-word. In the video below, you can hear him regurgitating the lyrics, N-word, and all:

Florida Gators QB recruit Marcus Stokes with some choice words.

He’s Caucasian.

— CFBLIVE247 (@CFBLive247_) November 18, 2022

Stokes apologized for the video after losing his scholarship. He said he never intended harm and has learned from his mistake:

— Marcus “JOKER” Stokes (@marcusstokes06) November 20, 2022

The star quarterback’s hope is now another school will look past his lapse in judgment and give him another shot.  According to prominent recruiting analysts, however, this prospect appears daunting.  Few college teams will roll the dice for fear of offending woke sensibilities.

Stokes also is the latest victim of white sporting figures being cancelled for perceived racial insensitivity. These athletes were as young as Stokes is when corporate media journalists decided to dig up old tweets in search of a story. Examples of such junk journalism can be found here and here.

Another inconvenient truth is had a black individual posted a video singing the lyrics, no one would notice. In the eyes of the academic and media elite, only white people can be racist. This laughable view flies in the face of reality. Anyone with an ounce of common sense understands racism knows no color.

This politically correct attitude also explains why few people hear stories regarding black-on-black crime in Chicago and Baltimore. Meanwhile, stories such as the Jussie Smollett attack hoax become worldwide news. White on black crime in America is so rare the media often makes it up!

One line of of thought is rap performers need to stop using the N-Word in their music if society does not want listeners mimicking them.  One black twitter user made this same point:

I am a black man.

If the N-word is so bad, then we all need to stop saying it, and that means rappers, too.

— Chess (@forktown385) November 20, 2022

We need more grace in America and a consistent application of ethics across the board. Stokes deserves another chance to live out his football dream and will hopefully show the Gators what they missed out on.

The post University of Florida Revokes White Quarterback Commit’s Scholarship After He Recited N-Word in Rap Song appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.