The Corrupt Obama/Biden DOJ’s Newest Attempt in Creating a Corrupt Special Counsel Is Even More Criminal Than the Mueller Exam

The Biden/Obama corrupt DOJ and FBI have created a Special Counsel led by the most corrupt investigator in US history.   Mueller was a coup.  This guy Jack Smith is a demon. 

We reported on how Robert Mueller and his entire team were conflicted and never should have been put in charge of any investigation involving any conservative, let alone the President of the United States.

President Trump complained about the Special Counsel because it was corrupt.  In many professions, like accountancy and auditing, there are rules that prevent an auditor from performing audits of those areas where there are either real or perceived conflicts of interest.

In the Mueller exam, every key member of the team had material real conflicts of interest as we noted in the article below. 

President Trump is Right – Mueller and His Accomplices Are the Most Conflicted Gang in US History!

So what does this corrupt DOJ do after getting away with it before?  The corrupt gang of Deep State hacks create another Special Counsel to go after President Trump.

But this guy is worse than Mueller?

Yes, there is evidence to show this.

CRIMINAL CORRUPTION: Biden’s Special Prosecutor of Trump is Corrupt and Conflicted – His Wife Produced Michelle Obama Documentary

This investigation needs to be shut down.  Americans won’t put up with another Mueller exam built upon illegal actions by a corrupt gang that should face sedition charges for trying to remove the President of the United States from office. 

This was bold-faced treason.

Now, because they were allowed to get away with their seditious actions with the Mueller exam, the corrupt Obama/Biden DOJ is at it again.

The corrupt DOJ’s effort to create another totally conflicted Special Counsel needs to be ended and those behind it put in jail. 

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