F Joe Biden is Back – Crowd in Tampa Erupts After Game in “F*** Joe Biden” Chants

We’ve seen it before.  The corrupt and senile man representing those who are destroying our county is recognized for his efforts in the destruction of America. 

Last night the chants came back.

After the Buccaneers staged an awesome fourth quarter comeback Monday to knock off the New Orleans Saints, a portion of the crowd began chanting “fuck Joe Biden” in unison at the top of their lungs.

Tom Brady with the last minute touchdown and crowd chanting FJB at the end was


— Pismo (@Pismo_B) December 6, 2022

We haven’t reported on this familiar chant in months.

FUCK JOE BIDEN CHANT IN DEATH VALLEY @OldRowLSU pic.twitter.com/wS1yzbl7Yq

— Old Row Sports (@OldRowSports) September 12, 2021

And again in the most satanic speech in US history.

BREAKING: **PATRIOT WITH BULLHORN** Interrupts Joe Biden’s Sick Speech — Protester Screams “F*ck Joe Biden!” (VIDEO)

Most voters agree with this too.

59% of Likely Voters Say “F*ck Joe Biden” is Appropriate, 77% Say “Let’s Go Brandon” Appropriate… But Joe Biden TOTALLY Got 81 Million Votes

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