Elden Ring’s Colosseums Are a Decent Diversion That Only A Few Will Enjoy for a Long Time

Since its release in February, Elden Ring received several free updates that tweaked the game’s balance and fixed several issues, but none of them introduced new content to the open-world game by From Software. However, this finally changed with free update 1.08, which opens the doors of three Colosseums in the Lands Between, long suspected to be part of the developer’s plans to expand their game.

While it is not the main focus of their experiences, PvP has always been an important part of all entries in the Souls series, and the same is true for Elden Ring, although changes to the invasion mechanics over the previous games have made it difficult for die-hard PvPer to have actual duels with other players. The introduction of the three Colosseums, and with them three new PvP modes, finally allows these players to duel to their heart’s content, as the Royal Capital Colosseum grants access to the Duel mode, a simple one versus one mode where players can fight against another without distraction. Each match comprises a single round and can last up until 180 seconds.

The other two Colosseums are located in Limgrave and Caelid and offer two other PvP modes called United Combat and Combat Ordeal. In the first, players are divided into two teams, and the team with the highest kill count wins. The second mode works like the first, only that it’s every Tarnished for itself. By participating in these two PvP modes from the Caelid Colosseum, it is possible to play a variation that allows Tarnished to use Spirit Ashes for an even more intense combat experience.

Being only a few days since the grand opening of the Elden Ring new Colosseums, it is pretty easy to find matches, although a random connection error here and there can lengthen matchmaking times. The Souls series’ typical netcode hasn’t been changed with the update, so lag still makes it challenging to understand whether an opponent was hit by your strikes. In the future, I wish From Software would eventually look at their netcode and improve things accordingly to provide a smoother experience. However, the online experience isn’t what makes this new addition to Elden Ring less than exciting. While it is nice that From Software has finally given PvP enthusiasts something to have fun with, I feel like very few people will continue using the Colosseums in their current state, and even then, Duel will probably be the only mode that will be somewhat populated in the coming weeks.

While United Combat and Combat Ordeal can be fun due to their chaotic nature, the truth is that there is absolutely no reason to play these modes other than having a little bit of mindless fun, as there are no rewards to be obtained by winning games, other than a little medal next to the name of players who have won enough matches and no sort of leaderboard system that may have provided some sort of incentive. For any player who isn’t really into PvP, playing any of the new PvP modes can also be a frustrating experience due to the lack of rank-based or level-based matchmaking. Someone who hasn’t completed the game or does not have an optimal build will struggle a lot, and with no reward for their trouble, they have no reason to partake in these new modes.


The addition of the Elden Ring Colosseums seems to be a way to get some PvP content out of the way to focus on meatier additions, possibly via paid DLC, but I can’t help but feel that it could have been handled a bit better. In their current state, the PvP modes are something that most players will try out for a few hours before leaving them behind for good. Hopefully, From Software will introduce new features and some rewards down the line that will make these modes a meaningful piece of content like most of the optional content found in the rest of the game.

The post Elden Ring’s Colosseums Are a Decent Diversion That Only A Few Will Enjoy for a Long Time by Francesco De Meo appeared first on Wccftech.