Deep State Attorney Marc Elias Is Scared to Death of The Gateway Pundit

The Deep State is scared to death of The Gateway Pundit (TGP).  We share the truth with expert analysis and unique perspectives and we have the courage to report it. 

Since at least 2016, the Deep State attacked TGP in every way imaginable.  We now know they worked with Big Tech to shadow ban, suspend and censor our reporting.

EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Tweet Released Tonight Shows Its Mgmt Preparing Secret Channel to Work with Deep State on Election Tweet Responses – As TGP Previously Reported

The Deep State has attacked our advertisers and ultimately censored TGP from social media.

The Deep State is afraid of TGP because of our reporting on COVID.  We pointed out numerous lies from the WHO early on and the Deep State attacked us for doing so.  TGP was right.

Two Months Ago Today We Were Attacked for Reporting that the W.H.O.’s Coronavirus Mortality Rate of 3.4% Was Completely Inaccurate! – And We Were 100% Correct!

Leading up to the moment the uncertifiable 2020 Election was certified for Joe Biden, TGP was all over the many reasons that the election was corrupted and never should have been certified.  As a result, the election was stolen from President Trump.

One Year Ago Today Gateway Pundit Reported on a Late Night Ballot Dump at TCF Center in Detroit – Liberal Media Said It Was Fake News – So We Proved it with Video

TGP reported on vehicles showing up in the middle of the night which were clearly related to wrong doing.  TGP also reported on the ballot dumps on election night which made absolutely no sense.

REMINDER: One Year Ago on Election Night 300,000 Votes for Joe Biden Magically Appeared in Virginia to Give Biden the Win

This is why the Deep State (those corrupt actors working together in our government and NGOs) hates us.

TGP was targeted after the 2020 Election because TGP was destroying the false narrative that the 2020 Election was legit.

The Deep State created the Election Integrity Project (EIP) to target narratives that they did not want to be shared after the stolen 2020 Election.  TGP was the top website targeted by this Deep State organization because we had the knowledge and courage to share the truth.  The election was stolen from President Trump.

EXCLUSIVE: Twitter Tweet Released Tonight Shows Its Mgmt Preparing Secret Channel to Work with Deep State on Election Tweet Responses – As TGP Previously Reported

Last night, the corrupt Hillary Clinton attorney who was involved in numerous agreements put in place with bad state actors in swing states before the 2020 Election (e.g. Georgia’s Raffensperger or Wisconsin’s Vos) targeted Kari Lake and TGP.

Kari Lake citing a conspiracy theory from the Gateway Pundit is the most Kari Lake thing ever.

— Marc E. Elias (@marceelias) December 9, 2022

Marc Elias and his Deep State fear TGP. 


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