“An Enemy of the People” – New Hampshire Republicans Offer Resolution to Censure Mitch McConnell

New Hampshire Republicans are offering up a resolution at the state’s convention on Saturday to censure Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

McConnell made funding Ukraine his highest priority this past year. Mitch not only forgot about funding Republican senate candidates, he openly badmouthed Republicans while he funded horrible Independent candidate Lisa Murkowski in Alaska. Mitch truly is the enemy of the people.

Mark Levin Blasts Mitch McConnell for Ignoring and Throttling Grassroots Republican Candidates – “We Have Great Candidates”

Never forget what these GOP Senators think of you by electing Mitch McConnell to continue to lead the GOP Senate Minority.

The New Hampshire Deplorables sent this to The Gateway Pundit on Friday.

Jim, wanted to make sure you saw these two resolutions that will be offered at the NH State Convention by a group of Deplorables. The Gateway Pundit reporting gets a good mention in there. All the best, Love you guys on WarRoom, Lou

Here is the resolution they hope to pass on Saturday.

Please pay particular attention to the second statement listed below.

The New Hampshire Deplorables also want to censure any Republican who supports or attends the anti-American World Economic Forum.

President Trump is expected to speak at the New Hampshire state convention on Saturday.

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