Pixel 7 Pro Volume Buttons are Apparently Falling Out

The Pixel 7 and the Pixel 7 Pro are excellent phones for those who are looking for the stock Android experience, and while many would argue that stock Android is not what it used to be, the software has never been an issue that plagues Pixel phones.

The volume buttons on Pixel 7 Pro phones are dropping and no one knows why, not even Google

Over the past couple of years, we have seen most of the Pixel phones behaving strangely as far as the hardware and build is concerned. But ever since the release of the Pixel 7 series, we have not heard anything going wrong. However, this has started to change.

Over the past couple of months, Pixel 7 Pro users have noticed that the volume buttons fall out of the phone and that too, at random. This was first highlighted rather recently by Nick Sutrich of Android Central when he noticed his phone’s volume buttons coming off during a comparison.

Sadly, this doesn’t end here as several users on Reddit and Google’s support forms, also have the same issues. The strange part is that when it eventually does happen, you cannot just pop the buttons back in, but when you hold the cover up against the spot, the controls do work as they should. Nick Sutrich claims that the buttons managed to pop back into place but they still feel loose.

Sadly, Google support has not provided much help either because, according to them, this falls out of the warranty. Whatever the case might be, Google has not issued an official statement about this and we have not heard a lot of people talking about this issue, either. Still, it is rather strange to see a flagship displaying such strange behavior.

Have you noticed something off with the volume buttons on your Pixel 7 Pro? Let us know in the comments below.

The post Pixel 7 Pro Volume Buttons are Apparently Falling Out by Furqan Shahid appeared first on Wccftech.