NYPD Pays Multi-Million Dollar Contract to Hollywood Ad Agency to Add More Officers to Force

The New York Police Department is spending big bucks in an effort to add more officers to its force.

The New York Post reported Hollywood ad agency Walton Isaacson LLC was awarded a $5 million dollar deal to create new ad campaigns that aim to boost NYPD’s recruitment levels.

The renewed contract is a two-year deal and comes as recruitment levels have dropped tremendously for the New York Police Department.

Previously, NYPD awarded Walton Isaacson a five-year deal in 2018 that was worth $54 million.

NYPD re-ups contract with Hollywood ad agency amid recruitment woes https://t.co/NfKwtmyAgD pic.twitter.com/uO4WKhiDu3

— New York Post (@nypost) March 26, 2023


Per The New York Post:

The NYPD has quietly renewed a multi-million-dollar contract with a Hollywood ad agency in an effort to attract new cops — as the department struggles to increase recruitment levels while facing a mass exodus of officers.

The Los Angeles-based firm, Walton Isaacson LLC, was awarded a $5 million two-year deal in November to continue advising on police recruitment and media strategies, according to city contracts.

It came after the agency, which also has offices in the Big Apple, reaped a $54 million five-year contract with the city in 2018 to help stir up NYPD recruitment.

Police Benevolent Association President Patrick Lynch isn’t a big fan of the new ad campaign and believes no amount of money will bring in more officers.

Lynch told the press “The city should stop wasting its money on recruiting ads and instead invest in a more effective recruiting tool: competitive compensation”

NYPD re-ups contract with Hollywood ad agency amid recruitment woes, no raises for the past 6 years for officers https://t.co/sFD4kLi1G9

— Blue Lives Matter (@RetiredNYCPD) March 26, 2023

The NYPD is so desperate for recruits they are even lowering fitness standards.

Read more about it:

NYPD Lowers Fitness Standards So That They Can Hire More Women

The post NYPD Pays Multi-Million Dollar Contract to Hollywood Ad Agency to Add More Officers to Force appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.