Election Integrity for Wisconsin: Important Meeting on Aug. 20 Concerning Removal of Unscrupulous Meagan Wolfe as Wisconsin Elections Chief

Guest post by Jefferson Davis in Wisconsin

But Wisconsin has major breaking news on election integrity.

Today we will focus solely on a Senate Hearing that was posted today to be held on Tuesday, August 29th, 10:01 A.M., Room 411 South, State Capitol.

Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection

Senate Republicans are following through with their promise to move the process forward of fully implementing Wisconsin State Statute 15.61 and the appointment of an Administrator of Elections for a 4-year term.
The Democrats on the Wisconsin Elections Commission  openly defied their statutory duties of making a recommendation on the appointment of an Administrator of Elections for a 4-year term on June 27, 2023.
The Administrator of Elections serves at the pleasure of WEC and Senate Confirmation for 4-year terms.

The current Administrator of Elections term expired on June 30, 2023.

A new 4-year term would end on June 30, 2027.

The 3 Republican members voted “yes” to reappoint the current Administrator of Elections for a new 4-year term to move the process forward on June 27, 2023.

The 3 Democrat members “abstained” from voting hoping to muck up the process and cause the current Administrator of Elections to remain in place indefinitely, especially through the 2024 Election Cycle.

The 3 Democrat members also thumbed their noses at the statutes and election law to force citizens and the legislature to have to hire attorneys to force the WEC Commission to follow the statutes and election law regarding the appointment of an Administrator of Elections.

The Republican Senate Leadership Team had finally had enough from the Democrats and their operatives to make a mockery of the administration of elections in Wisconsin and passed SR 3 on June 28, 2023, to move the process forward of appointing an Administrator of Elections for a new 4-year term through June 30, 2027.

After 45 days of trying to work with WEC and the Administrator of Elections to resolve the matter and with no end in sight, Chairman Knodl has decided to call a meeting for Tuesday, August 29th, 10:01 A.M., Room 411 South, State Capitol, to address this matter along with several other election integrity issues and appointments (See attached Public Notice 8-29-23).

The Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection will hear testimony from citizens on August 29, 2023, and will then vote soon after that on WEC’s recommendation of an appointment for the Administrator of Elections.

After the Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection votes on WEC’s recommendation for the Administrator of Elections, the full Senate will then vote on the Committee’s recommendation hopefully during the September 12-21, 2023, Floor Session.

State Statute 15.61 stipulates that if the Administrator of Elections position is vacant for 45 days, the Joint Committee on Legislative Organization approves the new Administrator of Elections for up to a year while also affording WEC the opportunity to appoint a new Administrator of Elections to be approved by the full Wisconsin Senate during the interim period.

The Joint Committee on Legislative Organization (JCLO) consists of 6 Republicans and 4 Democrats in Leadership.

The Republican Members of JCLO are as follows:

Please save this contact information for the possibility of JCLO having to be contacted after September 21, 2023, encouraging them to appoint a new Administrator of Elections.

Must Attend Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection, Tuesday, August 29, 2023, 10:01 A.M., Room 411 South, State Capitol

All election integrity supporters must free their schedules to attend this meeting to show our support of the Wisconsin Senate Republicans who are displaying courage (no matter the cost), the conviction (the right thing to do) and the commitment (I’m all in) for doing the right thing to preserve and protect our beloved constitutional representative republic and the administration of elections in Wisconsin.  Room 411 South is not a very big room.

If you cannot attend this meeting in person, then we must all contact the following Republican Senators on the Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection (click here – 2023 Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection (wisconsin.gov)) and ask them to not reappoint the current Administrator of Elections:

Please make every effort to attend this meeting in person.

There will be more details forthcoming over the next week.  We hope to have a press conference before the meeting to show why a new Administrator of Elections is needed.
Securing a new Administrator of Elections would go a long way in restoring election integrity for all Wisconsin voters in time for the 2024 election cycle (See attached item #6 Election Integrity for Wisconsin Declaration).
Thank you for your continued support, patience and dedication.

The post Election Integrity for Wisconsin: Important Meeting on Aug. 20 Concerning Removal of Unscrupulous Meagan Wolfe as Wisconsin Elections Chief appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.