Skyrim Light Mod Greatly Improves Visuals Using Starfield’s Clustered Shading, Unlimited Dynamic Light Sources

The Elder Scrolls V fans unite – this fantastic new Skyrim light mod dramatically improves the game’s visuals by adding unlimited dynamic light sources, scalable lighting, particle lights, and more.

Created by modder’s ‘doodlez’ and ‘alandtse’, the Skyrim ‘Light Limit Fix’ mod, implements clustered shading to the game as also used in Starfield. In addition, the mod makes dynamic lights unlimited and adds particle lights, contact shadows, shadows for first-person torches, and light spells. The results are pretty spectacular and the mod will likely be appreciated by Skyrim fans. Although great, the mod does have some limitations. For instance, the mod doesn’t increase the shadow limit. Also, some lights can’t use clustered rendering, and effect as well as water shaders aren’t covered just yet. Here’s what the modder’s wrote about the use of clustered shading as also seen in Starfield:

“Clustered shading requires a small performance hit to scale much better than forward or deferred shading”, the modders explain. “Clustered shading is the magic that makes this project possible. This is what lets us have completely bug-free, scalable lights, to achieve a true light limit fix and optimized particle lights. In the Particle Lights section, the benefits of this system will become more apparent.”

We’ve included a video of this amazing new lighting mod below as well as the mod’s main features:

Custom clustered shading implementation for high-performance, scalable lighting. Starfield uses this too!
Unlimited dynamic light sources such as torches and magic lights.
Full support for “ENB light” particle lights.
Extended particle lights system via configuration files.
Particle lights affect NPC detection.
Contact shadows for all lights.
Shadows for first-person torches and light spells.
High-performance lighting for grass.
Full VR support thanks to @alandtse!
Visualization of the remaining light limit to determine where split meshes are still required.

PC players interested in this mod can download it from Nexusmods here. There’s also an optional Candle Glow addon which adds particle lights to candles.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is available globally now for PC and consoles. As expected, this mod is only available for the PC version of Skyrim: Special Edition.