Here Is Why OpenAI Is Much More Likely to Release GPT-4.5 This Year Instead of GPT-5

Although GPT-4 is currently at the apex of the increasingly convoluted world of generative artificial intelligence, its competitors, including Anthropic’s Claude and Meta’s open-source Llama, keep getting better, necessitating another iteration of OpenAI’s flagship Large Language Model (LLM). While many expect Sam Altman’s non-profit to release GPT-5 in 2024, some analysts are now asserting that those expectations remain far-fetched, especially given the scale of resources required. GPT-5 Would Need Around ~100x the Computational Resources of GPT-4, or 3 Months of ~1 Million H100s GPT-5 doesn’t seem likely to be released this year.Ever since GPT-1, the difference between GPT-n and GPT-n+0.5 […]

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