vivo launched the Y18 in India in May, and today, it introduced the ‘i’ model in the country. The vivo Y18i is powered by the Unisoc T612 SoC and runs Android 14-based Funtouch OS 14 out of the box. It has 4GB RAM and 64GB of storage onboard, expandable up to 1TB via a microSD card.
The vivo Y18i is built around a 6.56″ HD+ LCD with a 90Hz refresh rate and 528 nits HBM brightness. It also has a notch for the 5MP selfie camera. Around the back, you get a dual camera setup – a 13MP primary camera and a 0.08MP auxiliary unit.
Fueling the vivo Y18i is a 5,000 mAh battery with 15W…