INGRASSIA: President Trump Still Holds Significant Lead Over Kamala Harris Among General Electorate, Despite Fleeting DNC Bump

President Trump has a 3-point lead over Kamala Harris, according to the results of this week’s Rasmussen poll.

This would hand the 45th President a comfortable victory over Kamala Harris in a contest before the general electorate.  When broken down by swing-state, President Trump still commands leads in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, and Arizona.

Although the data is less clear for key rustbelt battlegrounds like Michigan and Wisconsin, it is doubtless that, following the heels of the Democratic National Convention, Kamala Harris is enjoying the last leg of a protracted, media-induced “honeymoon,” which began with Joe Biden’s unceremonious ouster late last month.

We should expect Kamala’s numbers to come falling back down to earth as more time passses, and she is forced to confront the media and the general electorate through interviews and by elaborating her own policies, which to date have been notoriously light on details.

Of course, this will come to a head in September’s debate with Donald Trump, where the Vice President will be really put to the test and hopefully called to own her moribund record – which is a large part of the reason why she polls as the least popular vice president in recorded history – before a national audience.

Consistently, when asked about policy – particularly on the economy and immigration – regular voters decisively swing to Donald Trump’s camp, and it’s not even close.

This is why Kamala Harris’ highly choreographed and scripted DNC speech, as part of a broader, makeshift campaign to keep her as away from public scrutiny as possible, was short and insubstantial.

Democrats by now have learned that the less time they keep her out of public sight, the better it is for their national effort – which keeps alive the myth surrounding her reinvigorated momentum relative to the beleaguered Biden.

It is effectively a repeat of the 2020 “out of sight, out of mind” playbook where Biden’s campaign kept him out of public view as much as possible, forcing his debilitating health and unpopular policies, literally underground – in hopes of sneaking him into the White House.

Four years ago, that was easier to pull off – given the motley of factors, from covid, lockdowns, and the George Floyd riots – that made it easier to keep Biden in the basement, shifting the focus on President Trump and the many headlines that turbulent year attracted.

Those factors are no longer in play this year.  It’s far less easy, now with more scrutiny on election integrity from local officials and state and federal judiciaries, for state legislatures to change election laws and procedures on a whim.

Without the pretext of covid, Kamala, unlike Biden before her, will have to run a more conventional campaign down this home stretch.  To date, millions of voters still hardly know who she is or what she stands for.

Her platform remains inextricably bound to the Biden track record, the most unpopular presidency since the advent of polling.  In the rare situations where she has parsed out some semblance of an agenda, the response has been horrendous.

Whether promoting a ban on “price gouging” to correct inflation, an absurd and unserious proposal that showcases a clear ignorance about how the economy works that garnered blistering criticism even by left-wing outlets like the Washington Post, or her plan to raise taxes – particularly on “unrealized capital gains,” another ill thought out policy that makes zero sense and would cost American taxpayers billions of dollars they do not have, Kamala’s slipshod agenda (to the extent it can be described as an “agenda”) leaves much to be desired, and puts America on the pathway to socialism.

Kamala Harris, before becoming vice president, was known as this country’s most liberal Senator.  A former San Francisco District Attorney, she embodies the extreme left wing and radical “social justice” policies of that city – and has gotten ahead of her party’s leftmost flank on some of the craziest policies in recent memory.

She was totally onboard for defunding the police at the height of the George Floyd riots, personally helping raise millions of dollars help bail out rioters – by publicly backing the widely condemned Minnesota Freedom Fund – who looted businesses, burned down cities, and desecrated historic monuments to national heroes and veterans. The left-wing riots resulted in billions of dollars in damages, the costliest civil disturbance in American history.

Kamala Harris embraced the label of “woke” when many – even in her own Democratic party – ran for the hills.  She was for some of the most extreme policies on race and gender.

She allied with those, through legislation and other public initiatives, who called for biological men to participate in women’s sports.  Her initiatives would have also allowed, even forced, biological men to change in women’s locker rooms and use women’s restrooms in public schools across the country.

Kamala also has deep ties with radical figures that support critical race theory, which teaches that all American history was oppressive and its institutions, “systemically” racist – and that America is an inherently evil country that needs to be transformed, through extreme policies like reparations and rewriting history.

She doubtlessly shares the philosophy of those who believe all Americans alive today, even those who are not the descendants of slave owners, must collectively bear the sins of their country’s past, a dangerously Marxist worldview.

On foreign policy, if left to her, she would expend billions more on the Ukraine and Middle East, and likely agitate more wars with other adversaries.  This would result in exacerbating our record setting inflation at home, and causing more American lives to die needlessly, in service to Washington’s Military Industrial Complex.

She was a diehard pusher of the covid vaccine, championing mandates at every opportunity.  She also, as Biden’s “border czar,” presided over the worst US-Mexico border in American history, overseeing a national crisis in which tens of millions of illegals, many of them drug and human traffickers, have flooded into the homeland with impunity, bringing crime to levels not seen in decades across every major American city, and burdening the economy with more debt – in the form of vouchers and government handouts for illegals – that it simply does not have, nor can take on.

Kamala is a wasteful, reckless, and dangerous spender – adding trillions as both senator and vice president to the national debt, which has hollowed out the U.S. dollar and crippled our international standing.

Her focus is on backward initiatives like DEI, ESG, promoting suicidal and tyrannical policies – to the point of wanting to regulate red meat intakes – that have stagnated if not reversed economic output, yielding one of the weakest economies on record.

The Biden administration has created few if any real jobs – even though the regime claims ownership of the record-setting jobs numbers produced by President Trump, who presided over the greatest economic boom since World War II.

Many of these jobs were temporarily suspended as a result of the covid lockdowns, only to resume once Biden took office and the worst effects of the China virus finally subsided, allowing the economy to reopen.

Even so, the only “jobs” that Kamala has created are in government services, or for illegal aliens – who now drain public transit, schools, roadways, and hospitals of vital resources, at capacities that have rendered these systems dysfunctional.

Kamala Harris has also presided over – and endorsed – the weaponization of government agencies, particularly the DOJ, FBI, and intelligence agencies – against political opponents.

If it were up to her, the First and Second Amendments would be eviscerated; due process rights would be shredded to smithereens.  Political dissidents would be censored at best, at worst imprisoned.

She would appoint Merrick Garland-types to run every adjudicative and administrative agency – from IRS officials to state attorney generals to packing the courts with radical leftists – neutering the possibility of fair justice, or the rule of law — or free and impartial justice in a country nominally devoted to all those principles.

For his part, President Trump needs to hold Kamala Harris’ feet to the fire, much as he has been doing throughout this campaign, and make clear to the American people just how radical her policies are, and how destructive a Harris administration would be to their cherished freedoms and constitutional rights, to say nothing of their savings and long-term financial prospects.

Kamala Harris has never believed in borders; she believes illegal aliens should vote; she rejects free speech rights for anyone who opposes her.  She subscribes to those who call for social media platforms – like X, Truth Social, and Rumble – to be regulated to extinction, under the pretense of controlling for “hate speech,” which is a legal fiction propagated by far-left liberals used to censor conservatives.

In short, a Kamala presidency would mean the death of America as we know it – bringing this once great land to economic and cultural ruin.  It is imperative that this message gets drilled into voters’ heads over these remaining, pivotal months, where President Trump should be allowed to speak his mind, unfiltered and unvarnished – tapping into the great ‘tell it like it is’ tradition that includes such legendary political heavyweights as Meade Esposito and Roy Cohn, killers who cleared the road for President Trump and made possible the MAGA movement.

The old adage “Let Trump Be Trump” is a good bit of advice, especially when the stakes are truly this high, and the country literally hangs in the balance — its electoral prospects oscillating like a fulcrum between freedom and tyranny.

The post INGRASSIA: President Trump Still Holds Significant Lead Over Kamala Harris Among General Electorate, Despite Fleeting DNC Bump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.