Qualcomm Now Has A Snapdragon 8 Elite Version With A 7-Core Cluster, Making It One Less Core Than The Flagship Chipset That Was Announced In October

OSTN Staff

A Snapdragon 8 Elite exists with fewer cores

The Snapdragon 8 Elite was officially announced in October last year, and assuming you forgot about its specifications, the flagship SoC comprised of two performance cores running at a default clock speed of 4.32GHz and six efficiency cores operating at 3.53GHz. There is evidence that the chipset’s performance cores could reach 4.57GHz, but that is if sufficient cooling was applied. However, the core count for that version did not change, and Qualcomm had not hinted about bringing in a less powerful version of its top-end silicon, until now. Apparently, there is another Snapdragon 8 Elite that features one less core, and […]

Read full article at https://wccftech.com/snapdragon-8-elite-with-7-core-cpu-exists/