We recently heard that iQOO will launch the iQOO Neo10R in India next month. iQOO hasn’t revealed the launch date of the Neo10R yet, but a cryptic tweet by iQOO India’s CEO Nipun Marya officially confirms the Neo10R’s arrival in the Asian country.
The letter ‘r’ in the CEO’s tweet is bold, and there are 10 of them, hinting towards the Neo10R.
A𝐫e you 𝐫eady fo𝐫 the fi𝐫st 𝐫ema𝐫kable iQOO 𝐫eveal of 2025? 𝐑e𝐫ead – it might be 𝐫ight in the tweet! 😉— Nipun Marya (@nipunmarya) January 24, 2025
iQOO hasn’t divulged anything about the Neo10R yet, but a recent rumor claimed the smartphone…