If you want to find inspiration for all the new art supplies you’ve stocked up on, or you’re simply wanting to delve into a history lesson in a more interesting way, now’s the perfect time to stream an art documentary.
Whether it’s walking the streets of the Lower East Side with Jean-Michel Basquiat in the 1980s, or staring into the eyes of Marina Abramović, getting to know the work of someone who’s spent their life investigating visual and experiential ideas is a valuable use of time — or, at the very least, something to look suddenly knowledgable about.
The best documentaries about artists give you more than a PowerPoint presentation of the artist’s portfolio, instead letting you into their studios and homes, interviewing their friends and enemies, and dredging up as much old and new footage as possible, digging into the history and context of the artist and how it affects their work. Read more…
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